Friday, June 4, 2010

The Holy Spirit

When Jesus Christ was ready to go, he told his apostles that He will send them a comforter John 16.7. Jesus said that this comforter is the Holy Spirit and He will teach and remind the apostles everything Jesus taught them through His ministry here on earth. He said that everyone who believes in Jesus will be given the Holy Spirit so that He would indwell the believer whether Jew or Gentile. The apostles didn’t have a full understanding of who this comforter would be or that this comforter was one with the Father, the Son and that the Holy Spirit. He like God and Jesus is His own person and part of the Godhead which is the Trinity.

Thank God that we as Christians have the whole Bible to teach us who and what the Trinity is. Even though we are aware of the Godhead and the Trinity, it is still a mystery in most Christian’s minds. It’s a lot to grasp and even today, though I take God’s Word as truth, I still don’t understand how God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are one in the same and yet have different personalities and be different people. What I do know is that they all agree with one another in what they do and say. That’s what makes them the Godhead. They are all in accordance with one another.

When I think of the Holy Spirit in my life I remember that He is the same Spirit who resurrected Jesus from the dead. That power dwells in each and every one of us. Isn’t that amazing? When I think about that I am amazed at the power that dwells in me so how can I lose? How can I fear any man who threatens me because my faith? That same Spirit that dwells in me is stronger than the spirit that dwells on this earth. And when I remember that, it makes me praise God who gave us the Holy Spirit. He didn’t abandon his people when Jesus left because Jesus never really left us at all because His Spirit lives in us. That brings me hope that anything in this life that happens to me, I don’t face these challenges alone. The Spirit is right there in me leading me, guiding me and comforting me in every aspect of my life.

I feel the Holy Spirit’s presence in my life every day. I feel His comfort, His love, His patience and His guidance with me know matter where I am. The Holy Spirit convicts me of my sin, He regenerates me when I am down, He teaches and enlightens me in God’s Word, He aids in prayer of intercession, He seals me of my salvation, and He has His own personality with great compassion and knowledge. He is my reward for believing in Jesus Christ. And when I am at the lowest point in my life and do not know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for me and with groanings which cannot be uttered He makes intercession for me according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27).

The most compelling scripture I’ve read in the Bible comes from Genesis 1:2 where is says, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." That verse brings great mystery to my heart. Can you imagine before mankind or before the earth was formed, that the Holy Spirit in the darkness kept watch over the great waters of the sea? I can’t express the words that scripture brings to mind. All I know is that God is awesome, mysterious, and great and that I love our all powerful Lord and everything He’s created and loved, but most of all the love He has for us. For who is man that God considers?

If you would like to learn more about the Holy Spirit, the Godhead, and the Trinity, than please visit my website at: There you will find many books on these issues.

Thank you and God Bless…